Sunday, 01 December 2019 19:00
Gary and Brian head to the New York State Society of CPAs Westchester & Rockland Chapters Tax Conference to present their seminar "The Taxation of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies" at the Doral Arrowwood Resort in Westchester County, NY
Learn about foreign taxation and associated asset protection and the impact of cryptocurrencies.
Doral Arrowwood Resort
975 Anderson Hill Road
Rye Brook, NY 10573
For more information, please contact the NYSSCPA.
Doral Arrowwood Resort
975 Anderson Hill Road
Rye Brook, NY 10573
For more information, please contact the NYSSCPA.
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Press Releases
Monday, 18 November 2019 19:00
Gary and Kathryn are back by popular demand to present their latest seminar "Incentivizing Key Employees: Alternatives to Equity Participation" via Live National Webinar
Incentivizing Key Employees: Alternatives to Equity Participation
Owners of small growing businesses face an inherent tension between the need to incentivize key employees to further growth and the desire to preserve autonomy over their business. In this seminar, we explore phantom equity and equity appreciation rights as alternatives.
Register for this (no cost) event!
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 06 November 2019 19:00
Gary and Brian present their seminar "U.S. Taxation of Trusts Domestic and International" at the University of Florida Accounting & Tax Conference in cooperation with the FICPA
Learn about the tax impact of creating, funding and operating both national and foreign trusts. Issues addressed are relevant to citizens, resident non-citizens and non-resident aliens. Topics discussed include gift and estate tax avoidance, pre-immigration and pre-expatriation planning, as well as avoidance of the deemed sale of trust assets.
Hilton University of Florida
1714 SW 34th St
Gainesville, FL 32607
For more information, please contact the FICPA.
Hilton University of Florida
1714 SW 34th St
Gainesville, FL 32607
For more information, please contact the FICPA.
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 23 October 2019 20:00
Gary and Brian present their seminar "U.S. Taxation of Trusts Domestic and International" at the Florida Gulf Coast University Accounting & Tax Conference in cooperation with the FICPA
Learn about the tax impact of creating, funding and operating both national and foreign trusts. Issues addressed are relevant to citizens, resident non-citizens and non-resident aliens. Topics discussed include gift and estate tax avoidance, pre-immigration and pre-expatriation planning, as well as avoidance of the deemed sale of trust assets.
Embassy Suites Hotel Ft Myers
10450 Corkscrew Commons Drive
Estero, FL 33928
For more information, please contact the FICPA.
Embassy Suites Hotel Ft Myers
10450 Corkscrew Commons Drive
Estero, FL 33928
For more information, please contact the FICPA.
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Press Releases
Monday, 21 October 2019 20:00
Gary and Brian go Live on campus and present their seminar "Foreign and Domestic Asset Protection Trusts and Associated Taxation" to faculty and students at the University of Florida Levin College of Law in Gainesville
Attending faculty and students will learn about cutting-edge legal issues on domestic asset protection trusts and foreign trust structures (and associated taxation). Pros and cons of each option are compared and contrasted from both a protective and tax perspective.
University of Florida
Levin College of Law
Holland Hall, Room 285
309 Village Drive
Gainesville, FL 32611
University of Florida
Levin College of Law
Holland Hall, Room 285
309 Village Drive
Gainesville, FL 32611
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 09 October 2019 20:00
Gary and Brian present their seminar "The Taxation of Foreign Trusts and the Foreign Grantor - U.S. Estate and Gift Tax Avoidance" via Live National Webinar
October 10th @ 12 Noon ET
Learn about the U.S. tax impact of creating, funding, and dividing a foreign trust by a non-resident alien. Issues discussed include the treatment of foreign and U.S. trust assets and the tax impact on initial (and later changes to) grantor, trustee, and beneficiary status. Planning strategies include the timing of foreign gifts and the avoidance of the U.S. estate and gift tax.
Learn about the U.S. tax impact of creating, funding, and dividing a foreign trust by a non-resident alien. Issues discussed include the treatment of foreign and U.S. trust assets and the tax impact on initial (and later changes to) grantor, trustee, and beneficiary status. Planning strategies include the timing of foreign gifts and the avoidance of the U.S. estate and gift tax.
Published in
Press Releases
Monday, 30 September 2019 20:00
Gary and Brian present their seminar "U.S. Taxation of Trusts Domestic and International" to the FICPA Gulf Coast Chapter at the Sarasota Yacht Club
Learn about the tax impact of creating, funding and operating both national and foreign trusts. Issues addressed are relevant to citizens, resident non-citizens and non-resident aliens. Topics discussed include gift and estate tax avoidance, pre-immigration and pre-expatriation planning, as well as avoidance of the deemed sale of trust assets.
Sarasota Yacht Club
1100 John Ringling Blvd
Sarasota, FL 34236
For more information, please contact the FICPA Gulf Coast Chapter
Sarasota Yacht Club
1100 John Ringling Blvd
Sarasota, FL 34236
For more information, please contact the FICPA Gulf Coast Chapter
Published in
Press Releases
Monday, 23 September 2019 20:00
Eric and Gary present 2 seminars from their popular Eleven Commandments of Asset Protection series, "Commandment #3: Avoid 'Late Stage' and "Commandment #8: Planning Need Not Be Complicated" for AdventHealth Orlando
September 24th @ 9:30 AM
Learn about the risks of waiting to take protective actions and the advantages of prudent, simple, and direct planning.
AdventHealth Board Room
550 East Rollins Street (9th Floor)
Orlando, FL 32803
Learn about the risks of waiting to take protective actions and the advantages of prudent, simple, and direct planning.
AdventHealth Board Room
550 East Rollins Street (9th Floor)
Orlando, FL 32803
Published in
Press Releases
Wednesday, 18 September 2019 20:00
Gary and Brian present their seminar "The Taxation of Foreign Trusts and the American Grantor - Lifetime Transfers and Deemed Sales" via Live National Webinar
September 19th @ 12 Noon ET
Learn about the U.S. tax impact of creating, funding, and dividing a foreign trust by a U.S. citizen or resident. Issues discussed include the tax impact of a change in status of the grantor, trustee, or beneficiaries. Planning strategies presented include gift and estate tax avoidance as well as avoiding the deemed sale of trust assets.
Learn about the U.S. tax impact of creating, funding, and dividing a foreign trust by a U.S. citizen or resident. Issues discussed include the tax impact of a change in status of the grantor, trustee, or beneficiaries. Planning strategies presented include gift and estate tax avoidance as well as avoiding the deemed sale of trust assets.
Published in
Press Releases
Monday, 26 August 2019 20:00
Gary and Brian present their seminar "Foreign Taxation with Associated Asset Protection and the Impact of Cryptocurrencies" from the St. John's University campus in New York City
St. John's University Campus
Tobin School of Business
Bent Hall / Room 201
8000 Utopia Parkway
Queens, NY 11439
Please contact the NYSSCPA Queens / Brooklyn Chapter for more info.
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Press Releases