Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:10
Gary discusses the U.S. tax impact of expatriation for citizens, permanent residents, and assets in his seminar, "Expatriation: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" via Live National Webinar
Expatriation: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
In this seminar, we discuss the U.S. tax impact of expatriation. Discussion covers the expatriation of U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and U.S. assets. The deemed sale imposed on expatriating individuals is explained and avoidance strategies discussed. Attendees will also learn how to avoid tax regarding the transfer of assets abroad.
Wednesday, April 13th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
Wednesday, April 13th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Thursday, 10 March 2022 11:11
Gary discusses the insight into the most effective offshore asset protection strategies in his seminar, "International Asset Protection and Tax Planning" via Live National Webinar
International Asset Protection and Tax Planning
In this seminar, we discuss the most effective offshore asset protection strategies. Attendees will learn how best to establish and fund foreign business entities and trusts, with U.S. tax efficiency.
Thursday, March 10th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Monday, 08 November 2021 19:00
Gary and Brian present at the Probate & Pumpernickel where they will discuss legislative trends pertaining to asset protection and tax mitigation in their seminar, "Corporate and Individual Structuring with LLCs and Trusts"
Corporate and Individual Structuring with LLCs and Trusts
In this seminar, we provide insight into the latest judicial guidance and legislative trends pertaining to asset protection and tax mitigation. Attendees will learn the latest strategies for entity formation, choosing jurisdictions, and choice of governing law.
Tuesday, Nov. 9th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Tuesday, 19 October 2021 20:00
Thom discusses the impact the Reconciliation Act will likely have on estate and gift taxes in his seminar, "Preparing for the Reconciliation Act: An Estate & Gift Tax Update" via Live National Webinar
Preparing for the Reconciliation Act: An Estate & Gift Tax Update
The proposed estate and gift tax changes will be dramatic. Now is the time to act. Clients need to take action to reduce exposure to estate taxes. In this seminar, we discuss the changes to estate and gift tax laws being proposed in the Reconciliation Act.
Wednesday, Oct. 20th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this Live (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Tuesday, 17 August 2021 20:00
Eric and Kathryn review the current state of vaccine policies and mask usage in their seminar, "Covid Policies for Business Owners and Managers" via Live National Webinar
Covid Policies for Business Owners and Managers
The pandemic has created new challenges for employers without many clear answers. Employers have a general duty to provide a safe working environment under the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act. However, Florida recently passed a law which restricts business owners from requiring proof of vaccination. More recently, the CDC and Florida’s Governor DeSantis have voiced opposing views. What are business owners to do? Get practical guidance for crafting business policies in the midst of all of the noise.
Wednesday, August 18th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this Live (no cost) online seminar.
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 04 August 2021 20:00
Gary and Brian are among the featured speakers for the FlCPA's Summer Vacation Cluster, where they'll present 4 of their hottest seminars at Disney’s Yacht Club Resort.
1) LLC Structuring
2) Foreign v. Domestic Asset Protection Trusts – Protection and Taxation
3) U.S Taxation of Trusts – Domestic & International
4) The Death Tax and Democrat Control
FICPA Summer Vacation Cluster
Disney’s Yacht Club Resort
Walt Disney World
Orlando, FL 32830
Tomorrow / Thursday, August 5th @ 8:30 AM ET
For more information, please contact the FICPA Summer Vacation Cluster
2) Foreign v. Domestic Asset Protection Trusts – Protection and Taxation
3) U.S Taxation of Trusts – Domestic & International
4) The Death Tax and Democrat Control
FICPA Summer Vacation Cluster
Disney’s Yacht Club Resort
Walt Disney World
Orlando, FL 32830
Tomorrow / Thursday, August 5th @ 8:30 AM ET
For more information, please contact the FICPA Summer Vacation Cluster
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Press Releases
Monday, 26 July 2021 20:00
Thom heads into the recording studio with LawPracticeCLE to discuss proposed changes to estate and gift tax laws in his seminar, "Proposed Changes to Estate and Gift Tax Laws." This seminar is being recorded for national distribution.
Proposed Changes to Estate and Gift Tax Laws
Whether the proposed estate and gift tax changes end up being a typhoon or just an unusually high tide, there is no time like right now for clients to reduce their exposure to estate taxes. Learn the steps to take to weather the upcoming storm.
Tuesday, July 27th
Visit the LawPracticeCLE website for more information.
Published in
Press Releases
Monday, 26 July 2021 20:00
Gary heads into the recording studio with LawPracticeCLE to provide an overview on recent court rulings and statutory updates in his seminar, "2021 Asset Protection Update." This seminar is being recorded for national distribution.
2021 Asset Protection Update
Learn about current considerations for domestic and international exempt assets, statutory entity protections, and court rulings. Also learn how certain states and foreign governments have fortified LLC and trust protections while other jurisdictions leave the owner exposed.
Tuesday, July 27th
Visit the LawPracticeCLE website for more information.
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Press Releases
Wednesday, 21 July 2021 20:00
Eric and Kathryn discuss structuring emerging technology companies for growth & eventual sale in their seminar, "Legal Structuring Focused on Buyer Due Diligence for Technology Businesses" via Live National Webinar
Legal Structuring Focused on Buyer Due Diligence for Technology Businesses
Learn about the importance of having written agreements to clearly establish IP ownership. Attendees will also learn about documenting data protection, terms of use, and other privacy measures. This seminar is geared toward issues commonly investigated by potential buyers in due diligence.
Thursday, July 22nd @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases
Tuesday, 13 July 2021 20:00
Gary discusses the strengths and weaknesses of trusts and LLCs offered in the United States and abroad in his seminar, "Entity Selection: Corporate and Trust Options" via Live National Webinar
Entity Selection: Corporate and Trust Options
Learn how to best structure business and investment assets and related tax issues. Attendees will also learn which jurisdictions protect business owners and investors and how the courts have interpreted such protections.
Wednesday, July 14th @ 12 Noon ET
Register for this LIVE (no cost) seminar.
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Press Releases